We can tell you a lot about WellStyles. But, we're pretty sure that you'd rather hear from our clients. We’re as grateful to them as they are to us!
“Talking with Laurie really helped me fine tune my personal wellness goals and dig into why some of them had been difficult for me to reach in the past. She had creative and fun approaches to help me reach them. Together we celebrated successes and came up with solid plans of attack for the harder challenges. Plans that I still use to help whenever tricky situations pop up.”
“Laurie consistently provides positive motivation for me. When I feel discouraged or overwhelmed about meeting my fitness and nutrition goals, Laurie provides practical advice and ideas that work. As a busy working mom, I’m grateful for Laurie’s extensive knowledge of the latest research and her can-do spirit.”
“I loved that the suggestions from Laurie and the WellStyles team were pragmatic and fit into my daily life. My biggest hurdle to a healthy lifestyle is ‘finding the time’ and all these suggestions fit in without having to carve out big blocks of time to do them!”
“I really like that Wellstyles emails and Facebook postings go beyond the usual exercise and nutrition advice to include stress management, mental health, and creating general change in your life - it’s been very helpful as I’ve embarked on a big career change!”
“I was coached by Laurie Tucker and found the experience to be life-changing, literally. I stumbled upon her by accident, hearing about her through a mutual friend, and am I ever glad I did!
I wanted to become healthier, and with Laurie’s help I did and still am. I could not have changed in the ways that I did if I hadn’t had her as my guide through the change. I learned concrete tools to help me become healthier—-for instance, using my technology to “ping” me at work to remind me when to drink water or take a break. I discovered with her guidance how to give up Lean Cuisines for lunch (a habit I’d had for a decade!) for much healthier options that I continue to this day. I learned easy, useful ways to take breaks at work—how to make sure I would go for a quick walk or practice one of two types of yoga breathing—that help me still get centered and keep calm in a busy work environment. I was successful because of her good counsel in learning how to bring movement and exercise back into my life—-and boy did I have every reason possible as to how I just couldn’t do that, but I learned I could! Besides techniques and behavior changes, I also learned through my counseling so much about myself. I became better at handling my fears and anxieties because of Laurie’s insights. I experienced with Laurie how much I could change in such positive ways because I had her as my skilled wellness counselor.”
““My introduction to Laurie began in 2003, with coaching sessions at my workplace. I had just lost my husband and honestly had no goal in mind when I decided to start working out at the facility’s fitness center. Laurie has an instinctive ability to determine a person’s needs and she reached out to me with a personal fitness program that included Yoga classes, weight training, nutritional advice, but most importantly, the emotional support I didn’t even know I needed. It is hard to describe the transformation that occurred in my life. It was not just a physical transformation, although I was happy to lose 15 pounds, to start defining my muscles, and to enjoy a healthier diet. The best part was I felt better about myself.
In 2008 I was fortunate enough to be able to retire and relocated 150 miles away to the beach. In spite of my best of intentions to continue with Laurie’s program and living within walking distance of the Community Fitness Center; my fitness level deteriorated to pre - 2003 levels. I started to fall back into my old habits of not eating a healthy diet, and not exercising consistently, which led to weight gain and not sticking with the healthy habits I had developed in the past. When I received an email from Wellstyles Consulting about the telephone and online coaching, I decided to review the programs that were available. I called Laurie and set up a telephone coaching session. Laurie made me feel like we were just chatting about what was happening in my life, but her questions enabled me to determine a deeper understanding of why I had relapsed in my program.
I have completed several of Laurie’s telephone and online coaching programs. All of these programs have reachable goals and benchmarks, but, more importantly, questions that help to determine the underlying causes for successes, failures, and self-fulfillment. This has been the most beneficial lesson for me and the reason why Wellstyles programs work. ”
“I have had the opportunity to work with Laurie in person as well as through the use of her on-line coaching programs. Laurie is the type of person who inspires you to create healthy changes in your life through her energy, enthusiasm, and incredible knowledge in the health and fitness arena. After knowing and working with Laurie for over a decade, I was intrigued when she started her on-line coaching programs. Her daily messages often inspire me to try something new, reinforce healthy decisions I have already planned for the day, and always start my day off with a smile and the right intentions. Most important, I have had MORE success reaching my health and fitness goals with her online programs than with any other approach I have tried in the past. Whether in person or online, having Laurie as a coach will inspire you and motivate like no one else. It is like having your biggest fan in your back pocket coaching you through your day!”
“The program was great. I’m thinner, healthier and more aware of what I’m eating. I haven’t conquered my sugar addiction, but at least I know that I should keep trying. Thank you, Laurie. Your holistic approach to health is exactly what I need.
P.S. Your exercise progressions are tops.”
“Thank you for the exceptional seminar. I really enjoyed your presentation and can’t wait to share it with my family and friends. My colleagues and I really appreciated all that you did for us to help reduce our stress!”