Your Holiday Season Bingo Card!

How are you feeling right now? If you're like most people, you have a swirl of emotions happening. And, you may just be feeling too tired to even deal with them. Here are 4 tips to help you navigate this holiday season.

First, know that you're not alone. We've all been coping with a lot of this year and continue to do so. Be patient and kind to yourself and others. Rest when you need it. Get outside, move and get some sunshine when you can. In between the holiday treats, keep eating your fruits and vegetables

Second, practice acceptance. We don't always have to like what is happening and we may really want it be different. Hello, omicron! But, we do have to accept that some things are what they are and then figure out what steps we need to take to go forward and cope. By resisting something or fighting it, we only increase the stress from it. Try this form of acceptance and notice how your stress levels decline.

Third, release any ideas of perfection that are floating around in your head. Seriously, stop. Nothing can or will be perfect. It can be perfectly imperfect however! And, most of our best memories are from those times when things just didn't go according to plan. Embrace those imperfect moments and all that they hold. If we've all learned anything over the past 2 years, it's that a lot of things just don't matter or make a difference in the grand scheme.

And, lastly, there are a lot of people struggling this year with uncertainty, loss, and a variety of other things. Be kind to people. If someone upsets you, try just assuming they had good intentions. If they cut you off in traffic, this is tough in the moment but try assuming they are dealing an emergency and notice how your energy shifts. This will put a little kindness in the world and lower your own stress too.

To help keep you on track this holiday season, I'm including your own personal holiday bingo card. See how many you can get by the new year!

I'm wishing you a happy and healthy holiday season and new year!
