Stress Buffering Foods to Put on Your Plate Today
/What Stress Buffering Foods Can I Eat Today?
This is one of the most popular questions that people ask me. And, there’s a good reason for that, we’re all under stress and we all want to feel better. The good news is that you can help buffer your body against the side effects of stress by adding certain foods to your plate!
When our bodies are under stress, they utilize more energy and more nutrients. Our water output also increases which drains our bodies of water-soluble vitamins B and C as well as minerals such as magnesium. Those B vitamins (B6, B12, Folate, etc) are used to metabolize that extra energy. As a result, dehydration and depletion of vitamins and minerals are also another side effect of the stress response.
The good news is that you can help buffer your body against the side effects of stress by adding certain foods to your plate! Foods such as berries, citrus, kiwis as well as red peppers are packed with Vitamin C. Spinach, Nuts, Asparagus and avocados are B Vitamin and mineral powerhouses. Salmon and other fatty fish, flaxseed and Chia Seeds all contain Omega-3 fatty acids which help to combat the inflammatory effects of stress. And, let’s not forget to drink water. We have to replace that fluid that we’re losing. In fact, when we’re feeling having symptoms such as fatigue, nausea, unfocused, high blood pressure, or mood swings, we actually may need some water.
Here are just a few ideas!