7 Day Morning Challenge

7 Day Morning Challenge

One routine that I often work on with clients is their morning routine. Think about how you start your day. Then, think about how you would like to start your day. Taking control of our morning can have a big impact on how we feel the rest of your day.

To help you start your day feeling focused and calm, I'm giving you a 7 Day Morning Challenge! Whether you're a morning person or not a morning person, you can do this!

Ready to take the 7 Day challenge?

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Stress Buffering Foods to Put on Your Plate Today

Stress Buffering Foods to Put on Your Plate Today

What Stress Buffering Foods Can I Eat Today?

This is one of the most popular questions that people ask me. And, there’s a good reason for that, we’re all under stress and we all want to feel better. The good news is that you can help buffer your body against the side effects of stress by adding certain foods to your plate!

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Stress Eating? Take a Pause!

Stress Eating? Take a Pause!

Stress Eating and the Power of the Pause

We've all been there! We suddenly find ourselves munching endlessly and clutching a bag of chips. We're not entirely sure how we got there and, for some reason, we can’t seem to stop eating. Somehow, the chip bag became our kryptonite and we’ve been rendered powerless.

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How to Complete the Stress Cycle

How to Complete the Stress Cycle

Did you know our hearts beat approximately 100,000 beats every single day of our lives and pump about 5 liters of blood per minute? When we're exercising, our hearts can actually pump 15 to 20 liters of blood per minute. Pretty amazing for something that's the size of a fist, right?

Even though our hears are amazing just as they are, we can actually be a great team player and help our hearts work their magic. Sound nutrition is one way to help our hears. Use the I love My Heart Grocery List.

Another way that we can help our hearts is by completing the stress cycle.

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