How Does Stress Show Up In Your Body?

Stress can be caused by both positive events like the birth of a child and negative events such as the death of someone we love. Whatever the cause of the stress, the symptoms are similar.
Look at the symptoms listed here and add up all of the symptoms you’ve experienced recently. Generally when assessing symptoms, we recommend looking at the past 2 weeks. The higher the number, the higher the likelihood that stress is having a negative impact on your life. You probably didn't need me to tell you that though!
As you go through this coming week, begin to notice when signs and symptoms of stress arise. Make a mental note or an actual note of it. Identifying what is causing you stress will help you manage it. Though stress is a part of life, the key is to develop a toolkit for how you manage your response to it.
Need an idea to immediately reduce your stress? Exercise is the perfect antidote!
You can also learn more about completing the stress cycle or about stress buffering foods.
For more ideas or help in managing stress, reach out to me! A health and well-being coach is a great partner in helping you develop a stress and resilience toolkit.