3 Tips to Adjust to the Time Change

3 Tips to Adjust to the Time Change

It’s that time of the year! We’re adjusting to a time change. Though it’s nice to gain an hour on a Sunday morning, the change can wreak havoc on our bodies for a few days. This is especially true if you have little ones who really don’t understand the concept of ‘falling back one hour’.

To help adjust as smoothly as possible, here are 3 tips to implement today!

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Stress Eating? Take a Pause!

Stress Eating? Take a Pause!

Stress Eating and the Power of the Pause

We've all been there! We suddenly find ourselves munching endlessly and clutching a bag of chips. We're not entirely sure how we got there and, for some reason, we can’t seem to stop eating. Somehow, the chip bag became our kryptonite and we’ve been rendered powerless.

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You're Still You

You're Still You

“Is this who I am now?”

I’ve been hearing people ask this question a lot lately. We may wondering if we’re going to get our motivation back or if the weight we gained over the past year is officially part of us now. We may wondering if this heightened anxiety or feelings of ‘meh’ are here to stay. We may wondering if we’re going to get some healthy habits back or have we officially become one with our couch and Netflix. We may even be wondering if we can still make small talk. Basically, we’re wondering, “Is this the new me?”

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Uncertainty and Anxiety - Words of 2020

Uncertainty and Anxiety  - Words of 2020

Uncertainty breeds anxiety. And, let's face it, 2020 has been filled with uncertainty! I was recently asked how to cope with anxiety, especially if you don't like to meditate. Here are some ideas that are good for everyone.

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